Hi! Thank you for checking out my blog.

I called this blog ‘The Rambling Introvert’ because of the constant stream of rambling thoughts and conversations that go on in my head. As I share some of them with you, I hope that you will find them both thoughtful and entertaining.

I’m not going to say too much about myself right now, because I want you to get to know me and all of my quirks through my blogs. I will tell you that I think that I am who I am as a result of the many experiences I have had in my life. Experiences that include childhood abuse and never having the opportunity to be a kid, being a woman in the military, being married with kids, and having gone through and survived Breast Cancer.

It was not until after my battle with cancer, and all of the crappy side effects of treatment, that I began to realize that many of the crazy experiences that I have had in my life have affected me more than I cared to admit. I swallowed my pride and sought assistance. I am currently seeing a therapist and taking anti-anxiety and depression medication, which I NEVER would have done before. I did not think that I needed them and thought I would be considered ‘weak’ for taking them. I was wrong.

Lately, I have felt that it is important for me to share some of my experiences with others. Important to me in a therapeutic way because it allows me to write about things that I would normally keep to myself. It also gives me an opportunity to share these experiences, thoughts and emotions with others who may find some value in them.

So, with all of that said…I invite you to stay tuned and visit often. You never know what you will read about!

“Please keep in mind that I am new to this blogging thing, and learning as I go. I’m not an English major or professional writer and I’m sure I will make plenty of mistakes. Go easy on me!”

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